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TMGC Photo Gallery Index
Pictures from the year 2020

Photo Gallery Archive    

November Meeting - Pictures from the November meeting at Maker's Craft Brewing on 11/4/2020. Pictures submitted by Susan Bond & Mike Haag.


Leaf the COVID Behind Drive - Pictures from the Fall Drive to Matthews, VA on 10/23/2020. Pictures submitted by Donald & Rose Ladd, Mike Haag and Robert Perrone.


October Meeting - Pictures from the October meeting at Big Ugly Brewing on 10/6/2020. Pictures submitted by Susan Bond & Mike Haag.


September Meeting - Pictures from the September meeting at Pleasure House Brewing on 9/1/2020. Pictures submitted by Susan Bond & Mike Haag.


August Meeting - Pictures from the August meeting hosted by Faith & PJ on 8/5/2020. Pictures submitted by Mike Haag.


July Meeting - Pictures from the July meeting at Deadline Brewing Project in Virginia Beach, VA on 7/7/2020. Pictures submitted by Susan Bond and Mike Haag.


Andy & Cynthia Drive-By - Pictures from the drive-by visit to Andy & Cynthia on 5/10/2020. Pictures submitted by Donald Ladd and Bob Stein.


March Meeting - Pictures from the March meeting at New Realm Brewing in Virginia Beach, VA on 3/3/2020. Pictures submitted by Donald Ladd and Mike Haag.


Horrible Idea Tour - Pictures from the Horrible Idea Tour v3.0 on 2/15/2020. Pictures submitted by Donald & Rose Ladd, Susan & Terry Bond, Tad Carter, and Mike Haag.


February Meeting - Pictures from the February meeting at Oozlefinch Craft Brewery in Hampton, VA on 2/5/2020. Pictures submitted by Donald Ladd and Mike Haag.


January Meeting - Pictures from the January meeting hosted by Eric & Cindy on 1/7/2020. Pictures submitted by Mike Haag.





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